If you frequently change your advertising and promotion, snap frames provide a simple, yet professional method of presentation.

Why Choose Snap Frames & Notice Boards

If you frequently change your advertising and promotion, snap frames provide a simple, yet professional method of presentation.

A snap frame is provided with chrome or mitred edges, which lifts to allow you to position your poster, advert, menu or other information. An anti-glare, clear screen is placed on top before the frame is snapped back into place. This product makes it simple to regularly change your message.

Provided as a wall mounted or A frame, this means of display eliminates the need for adhesive materials or lamination and keeps the image in top condition. We can also offer a security version which requires a (supplied) tool to open the snap frame. This has proved valuable in advertising in public places.

You may have seen our snap frames in hotels, cinema, restaurant and theatre foyers, as well as for advertising in public toilets! If you could benefit from a straight forward display system, please get in touch.

(inc. VAT)

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We’re more than happy to discuss your requirements and provide advice without obligation. Simply select your preferred method to get in touch.


It's as easy as 123

oneLet’s get started with your Ideas, the more detail you provide the better!
twoWe’ll email or phone you to talk it through, give advice and provide a quote.
threeIt’s then over to us to create and amend artwork and you to pay the deposit.
fourIf you provide the artwork, we’ll pre-flight check it for you and you pay the deposit
fiveWith your approval, we’ll get cracking on with the production.
sixWe’ll soon be back in touch to arrange fitting/delivery/collection.
We will never proceed with production until you are entirely happy with the artwork and will always provide a proof (unless the artwork is supplied by you).


Hi Andy, Just received the signs. They are absolutely Pantastic!!!

Thank you sooooooooo much. I am very grateful for all your hard work and the fact you put up with my difficulties with the file etc. Many thanks again. Kind regards

Nicky FaireyPantastic

Patrick – Received magnets today, great job! Thanks.

John CrookJohn Crook
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